About us

What is a Community Foundation?

We are one of more than 750 similar tax-exempt public charities throughout the United States that work to make their community a better place to live. We are a local organization staffed by residents of the community and led by a board of trustees who have an in-depth knowledge of the issues that shape our County.

This Community Foundation was created by and for the people of Washington County MD, and exists to improve the quality of life for all of our citizens, now and for generations to come, by building community endowments, addressing needs through grant making and providing leadership on key community issues.

How it works

When donors graciously give to the Community Foundation, that money is preserved for future use. Instead of being used right away, it’s saved into a fund that will grow over time. Then, we redistribute that money to nonprofits and students who need it most.

We Create Partnerships

Everything starts with you and your philanthropic intentions. We listen and work together to find existing funds or develop new funds that achieve your goals.

The Community Donates

You can donate into a community fund, or into a fund with a specific non-profit or scholarship, or you can create a new fund. There are many options!

We save and grow those dollars

We all know that the future is unpredictable, so we dedicate ourselves to looking ahead and being strong, stable, yet flexible. With careful stewardship, these dollars could be someone’s saving grace.

We invest back to our community

Through grants and scholarships, community leadership and building partnerships, we are investing in the community. In 2023, we granted $3,544,058 from our endowed funds!


To inspire, grow and steward philanthropy for the benefit of Washington County.


To create a healthy and vibrant community through engaged philanthropy, community knowledge and leadership

It’s thanks to our gracious donors that we are able to provide for the hundreds of causes and scholarships each year. Local community foundations like ours allow us to preserve a bright future for our friends, families, and neighbors for generations to come. If you’re ready to donate, we’ll help you make the biggest impact with your funds.

Call us to learn about our funding opportunities or how we can help connect you to a larger endeavor.

Creating a Legacy