Field of Interest Fund

Field of Interest Funds communicate a donor’s preference to provide support to initiatives within an area of special interest, such as the arts, education or a specific demographic.

Funds that are currently accepting applications provide links to that application.

Abused and Neglected Children of Washington County Fund - This fund shall provide financial support for organizations providing services for abused and neglected children in Washington County, MD.

The Bella Appel Children’s Fund - This fund shall provide support to current initiatives that support children and child welfare.

David Cecil and Greta Ann Baker Fund - This fund shall support current initiatives in the areas of community ministry in pastoral care and counseling.

Bar Association of Washington County MD Endowment Fund- This field of interest fund, currently operating as a scholarship, will make two annual awards to qualifying high school, home school, parochial school, college or technical school students that plan to pursue or are pursuing a legal or paralegal certificate or degree. Applicants must demonstrate a high level of academic success and a commitment to community service. Graduate students may apply.

Kevin Barkdoll Livestock Memorial Fund - In memory of Kevin, this fund will provide financial support for current initiatives that support area(s) of Agriculture, FFA and/or 4-H.

Adam R. Barnhart Inclusive Athlete Fund - Created in memory of Adam R. Barnhart, this fund shall provide financial support for current initiatives that support areas of participation of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in inclusive, competitive athletics. CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

Deborah K. Barron Music of the Heart Fund - A field of interest fund created in memory of Deborah Barron, in honor of her love for music. This fund will support charitable interests in the areas of music appreciation, education and performance.

Gordon and Janet Bartels Learning Garden Project - Created by Janet Bartels in memory of her husband, Gordon, provides financial support to sustainable community garden projects in Hagerstown, with preference given to downtown neighborhoods.

Mildred R. Beckley South Hagerstown High School Educational Fund - An endowed field of interest fund in honor of Mildred R. Beckley established to provide financial support for current initiatives at South Hagerstown High School for student scholarships and educational programming.

Steven L. Bitner Memorial Preservation Fund - This fund provides financial support for current initiatives that support  area(s) of environmental, natural resources, sustainability and parks and recreation.

Mary K. Bowman Historical and Fine Arts Fund - This fund provides financial support for current charitable and educational initiatives that preserve and maintain historical and cultural properties in Washington County.

Laird Bush Fund for Music Education - Created to honor Laird’s legacies of music and compassion for others.

Terry W. and Peggy B. Carroll Fund - This fund was created to provide support to organizations that support basic needs and health.

Elizabeth C. and J. Allen Clopper Fund for Children - Provides financial support to organizations, programs and activities benefiting the children of Washington County with weighted consideration given to Clear Spring Library’s Children’s programs.

Dressler Family Fund - This fund was established to provide financial support for initiatives the support the area(s) of educational charities and/or healthcare charities.

Mary Frances Ellis Family Foundation Fund - The purpose of this fund shall be to provide support to organizations that address initiatives that support physical and mental health and well-being.   

The Andrew Bryan Farnen Fund for the Arts, Mathematics, and Technology - In memory of Andrew, this fund offers support to charitable initiatives serving gifted and talented youth. Grants will be made to help students explore their passion through the purchase of musical instruments, art supplies, computers, books, experiences and other educational materials.

Henry Atwell Finn Memorial Fund - To honor the short life of Henry Atwell Finn and provide financial support for research and education related to infant and toddler death.

Mark Alan Frey Fund for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - This fund provides support to current initiatives supporting young men ages 15-24 for trade school, Future Farmers of America, 4-H, gun/hunting safety and/or hunting licensing, with preference given to veterans.

John & Janice Frye Educational Fund - This fund will provide financial assistance to current initiatives supporting education and educational programs at Brownsville Church of the Brethren and Hagerstown Church of the Brethren.

Carl D. & Rose Marie Gearhart Field of Interest Fund - This fund will provide financial support for current initiatives that support Washington County agriculture and 4-H.

Judy Greenwald Fund - This endowed, field of interest fund provides financial support for current initiatives that epitomize Judy’s charitable interests throughout her life.

Hagerstown Civil War Round Table Endowment Fund - Founded by the Hagerstown Civil War Round Table to provide financial support for current initiatives of the Hagerstown Civil War Round Table.

Hagerstown Washington County Industrial Foundation Fund - Established to provide support for the organization’s mission in promoting economic development, community betterment and workforce enhancement.

Hancock Community Fund - An endowment providing financial support to charitable initiatives in the Hancock area.

Boomer Harsh Memorial Fund - This fund aims to provide scholarships to Washington County students graduating from public school with preference given to Williamsport High School graduates. Ideal recipients should participate in school golf and/or tennis teams and be pursuing post-secondary education in veterinary medicine/science, hoping to become a vet tech or work in an animal-studies related program.

Jan & Janet Huffman Family Foundation - This fund shall provide financial support for current initiatives that support areas of faith, family, forestry, and animal care.

Legacy Award for Black Excellence - This award will support educational costs and programming, including certification costs, for an African American Washington County resident who demonstrates leadership qualities.

The Lobley Family Foundation - This fund shall provided financial support for two areas of interest: an annual scholarship or continuing education assistance for health care providers or students specializing in oncology; and/or grants to qualifying organizations treating those with cancer.

Love 4 Paws Fund - This fund will provide financial support for current organizations and initiatives that support animal welfare, no-kill shelters, and/or health and well-being of dogs and cats.

Medical Research Fund - Established to support research conducted in Washington County by Dr. Mary Money for a cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Memorial Park Provisional Fund - In memory of James Alphin to support his vision of a park in the north end of Hagerstown.

George R. Moore Wildlife Preservation Fund - Mr. Moore’s estate created this fund to support organizations working to preserve wildlife in Washington County, MD.

Maxwell “Max” Niessner Suicide Prevention and Awareness Fund - Jim and Pam Niessner created this fund in memory of their son to provide education and awareness for the prevention of suicide to help other families not endure such a loss.

Nigh Family Foundation Fund - Established to support the charitable interests of the Nigh Family.

Pen-Mar Regional Association of Realtors - This field of interest fund will support the promotion of real estate issues and home ownership in Washington and Franklin Counties.

Peyton’s Promise Fund - Created in memory of Peyton Swope, this fund will provide students with musical instruments or instrumental needs in Washington County Public Schools.

Preschool Pals Fund - This fund provides tuition assistance for childcare/daycare to families.

Ross H. Rhoads At-Risk Youth Fund - Created with a gift from Ross H. Rhoads to promote programs supporting at-risk youth.

Jack Roberts Field of Interest Fund - This fund will provide support for current initiatives that support the areas of adolescent and young adult mental health and suicide prevention.

Todd and Tina Snook Endowed Fund - This fund will support areas of food insecurity, drug prevention/recovery and the community’s youth.

South County Community Fund - This field of interest fund currently operates as a scholarship awarding a student graduating from Boonsboro High School.

Deborah Dutton Spickler Memorial Fund - An endowed, field of interest fund established in memory of Ms. Spickler with memorial gifts following her father’s death.

Teen & Unplanned Pregnancy Prevention Fund - This fund provides financial support for current initiatives that address teen pregnancy prevention and unsafe sexual practices of teens in Washington County, MD.

Together With Families Fund - This fund was created to support local programs that promote optimal development of young children with activities for children and caregivers  and education to help parents understand child development milestones and behaviors; to support local programs which promote the stability of families at risk of poverty, abuse, and neglect by assisting and supporting them to develop more effective parenting skills and  to fulfill their educational, work, family and personal goals. Such services and resources for young families this fund could support include:
– Physiological needs (housing, food, clothing and medical)
– Mental health needs (services and medications)
– Educational needs (books, materials, supplies, tutoring services, GED materials, and graduation requirements or needs)
– Transportation needs (gas, bus vouchers, ride sharing and taxi services, car repairs or maintenance)
– Work-related needs (daycare and dress clothing)
– Connection and support needs (phone and electronic devices)

Tootie’s Token - This fund was created in memory of Tykerria “Tootie” Dawson”. This award will support the educational, physical and emotional needs of students of Antietam Academy.

Trails and Rails Fund - The purpose of this fund is to support, maintain, develop, create, build or preserve walking trials, primarily those built on former railroad right-of-ways with and emphasis on those previously owned/used by the Western Maryland Railway.  The fund may also be used to support railroad related museums, including model railroad museums, in their mission to preserve local Western Maryland or regional heritage and educate future generations about the history of railroads.

The Curtis Uzelac Family Fund - This fund was established by Nevalene and Angela Koontz to provide financial support for current initiatives that support agriculture, FFA and/or 4-H.

Washington County Public Schools Education Foundation Fund - A non-endowed, donor-advised fund that provides financial support for current initiatives of WCPS.

Washington Goes Purple Scholarship - This field of interest fund operates as scholarship that awards scholarships to seniors in Washington County Public High Schools.

Gene Wiles Memorial Fund - In memory of Gene Wiles, this fund provides financial support in the form of an annual grant through a qualifying organization to support a young adult from Washington County, MD, or the surrounding area, pursuing an agricultural endeavor.

Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Endowment - Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson was murdered at his home by a disgruntled defendant in a domestic case on October 19, 2023. The family has created the Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Family Endowment to honor Drew and the difficult decision he made on behalf of the mother and children involved. The endowment provides funds to programs Drew supported, including our local CASA and other organizations working with domestic violence.

The Women’s Giving Circle Fund - An endowed, donor-advised fund created and advised by sustaining members of the Giving Circle to promote and support programs and services that improve the quality of life for women and their families in Washington County. CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

Young Philanthropists Fund - Established with a gift honoring the inaugural Rising Star Award recipient, this fund will provide financial support to initiatives and programs that promote the charitable interests of young philanthropists in Washington County. Rising Star Award winners include Brenna Bacon Ranieli, Heather Guessford, Kelsi Palmer, Sam Buhrman, Cort Meinelschmidt and Kandace Carpenter.

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