Women’s Giving Circle Provides Gift Cards to Women’s Club Residents

The Community Foundation of Washington County MD recently facilitated a partnership between two women’s groups with similar missions. The Women's Giving Circle of Washington County, a component fund of the Community Foundation, provided grocery store gift cards to the 14 women in residence at the Women’s Club Foundation in downtown Hagerstown. Director of Grants and Donor Relations at the Community Foundation Kristy Smith said, “Connecting needs with resources is an important role for the Community Foundation since we serve as a vehicle for philanthropy in our community. Thus, we can facilitate partnerships that connect nonprofit needs to donor resources.”The Women’s Club provides clean, safe housing to low income women with few alternatives. Residents range in age from 55 to 75 and live in private rooms, sharing kitchens and bathrooms.The Women’s Giving Circle is a group of like-minded donors working to build an endowment at the Community Foundation and make annual grants to organizations meeting the needs of women and their families here in Washington County.

WoGiveCircle-WoClub12-16-web Pictured: Women’s Giving Circle Members Karen Coyne and Jeanne Singer; Linda Ogilvie, Women’s Club Manager; Donna Wells, president of the Women’s Club and Cheryl Brown, development director of the Community Foundation of Washington County.


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